How it works

Start with Digicliniq to practice for the growth and 100% patient satisfaction
Analyze your practice and see the merits instantly for free that shows online.

See My Results

We initiate a quick start diligently.

Our profoundly dynamic team ensures a quick process, in just around a month or even less. Based on your precise needs, our Customer Success Manager (CSM) identifies a key compelling decision that generates a footprint for our support team to implement consistent web solution support.

Creating a prominent impression at first sight.

Ensure that you get the first and the right impression as visitants search for service providers through online. Thanks for making a rapid transition to your website with high-performance, well-optimized to top search visibility in online directories, powerful presence across social media channels, and more.

Scheduling Patients appointments online.

A convenient 24/7 platform for online patient scheduling appointments helps in finding your practice anywhere. The easiest accessibility for patients and staff - instant features like recording the available slots, greater enhancement while integrating with your EMR system.

Patients automated reminder alerts

Now that your calendar is full of appointments, we’ll be helping you by email and text notifications to the patients. You can conveniently follow-up confirmation of appointments, drastically minimize no-shows, and save time on phone calls.

Get feedback from your Patients

After every patient's visit, capture the feedback. A survey is sent to your website to share positive reviews that help in practice. For negative feedback, we’ll alert you instantly, so that you can respond on-time for better patient experiences, and improvises overall patient-provider connection.

Track analytics at every stage of your practice growth.

Utilize key metrics and performance on Digicliniq dashboard where you can view search rankings, results, appointment requests, practice growth analysis, giving you overall online reputation insights.